I love books, especially about art and famous artists of the past. At the moment, I'm studying Marc Chagall more intensively because his colourful, profound works appeal to me very much. Furthermore, he is one of the expressionists and there is another thing we have in common: our love for the Bible and the Creator of the universe. So I recently read a book by Klaus Mayer about the great artist, which inspired and touched me very much, entitled: "I dreamed the Bible. Marc Chagall - Painter and Mystic". The book is published by echter Verlag (4th edition 2019).
The author Klaus Mayer, formerly a parish priest in Mainz, succeeded in persuading the artist to create the world-famous stained glass windows at St. Stephan's in Mainz, Germany. In his book, he uses selected examples to describe how the mystical and the biblical shaped Chagall's entire artistic work. If we speak of Marc Chagall, we must speak of the Bible. Why? Because his world view is the world view of the Bible, from which he lives, loves and creates. "Since my earliest youth," Chagall writes, "the Bible has fascinated me. The Bible seemed to me - and still seems to me today - to be the richest poetic source of all time. Since then, I have sought its reflection in life and in art. The Bible is like an echo of nature, and I have striven to pass on this mystery. As far as I am concerned, perfection in art as well as in life has sprung from that biblical source."